Cabin Air Filters
Cabin Air Filters
Did you know that there are a lot of different filters that come with your car? It’s true. You need to become familiar about each one of those filters, because they are important to the life of your car. In fact, filters are so important, we’ve taken a whole post to talk to you about one filter–your cabin air filter. It may not seem important, but your cabin air filter is what makes you want to drive in your car. Let us tell you why cabin air filters are so important.
Why Do I Have A Cabin Air Filter?
Interestingly, your car didn’t always have a cabin air filter. Before 2000, cars didn’t have an air filter specifically designed for their cabins. However, you might also remember that the interior of your car could smell like whatever was on the outside of your car as well–and while there are times smelling the outdoors is pleasant, such as when you are moving through a flower-scented road, there are other times you don’t want what is outside your car to smell up your inside. The cabin air filter removes dust, bugs, pollen and other impurities from your heating and air system before they can make it to your car’s cabin.
How Often Does My Air Filter Have to be Replaced?
How often you replace your cabin air filter depends on several things. First, you need to check your car’s ownership manual. In general, your cabin air filter will need to be replaced between every 12,000 or 15,000 miles. However, depending on your driving habits, you may want to replace your cabin air filter more often. If you drive a lot in areas of the state where there is a lot of smog, and weeks upon weeks of bad air quality, you’ll want to change it more often. If you do drive in an area with a lot of smog, you may want to think about changing the filter once a year.
When you do change the filter, be sure and use the manufacturer’s recommended filter. That way, you can be assured your filter will fit properly, and filter out all of those nasty impurities
Other Important Fluids
When you’re ready to buy a new car, or get the car you love serviced, why not come by and see us? We’re located on First Street in Bradenton. You can also give us a call at 941-748-6510.